In February 2022, the European Parliament adopted on proposals on ways to strengthen the role of the European Union in the fight against cancer, as a response to the Commission’s Beating Cancer Plan. The need to end financial discrimination against cancer survivors through the right to be forgotten was one of the key recommendations of Members of the EP. The Parliament called on Member States to implement national legislation to ensure equal access to financial services to cancer survivors. 

The support received from the European Parliament as regards the need to protect all European cancer survivors continued when developing a report on the Commission’s proposal on Consumer Credits Directive. The provisions related to the right to be forgotten were included in the report of MEP Kateřina Konečna.

Following months of interinstitutional negotiations, on 2 December 2022,  a provisional agreement on new measures in the context of the Proposal for a Directive on Consumer Credits. This agreement includes, as quoted by RTBF supporter and rapporteur on the file, Kateřina Konečná, “for the first time in history, (…) the guarantee of the right to be forgotten for cancer patients in EU legislation”.